How To Give A Challenge Coin: The Rules Explained

Challenge coins have a long and proven tradition of showing dedication and camaraderie to your military unit, government or fraternal organization. The history of challenge coins dates all the way back to Ancient Roman times, when soldiers were presented with special coins in appreciation for their service. In America, one of the first known instances of challenge coins appeared in 1917, when a volunteer squadron pilot’s life was saved thanks to the medallion he kept around his neck.

The United States soldier’s medallion proved to the French that he was not part of the enemy forces. The story goes that from that day every member of the unit had to carry their medallion at all times, or submit to a challenge by a member of the unit. These medallions are now known as challenge coins, and they have become a tradition throughout the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.

In the United States, the giving and receiving of challenge coins have become one of the most treasured honors that a service member can experience. Military challenge coins are collected by people around the world for historical interest and the quality of the design work. The challenge coin tradition of exchanging military coins is important to the morale of the unit and is a sign of respect.

Members of the military or other organizations who hold challenge coins can participate in the tradition of doing a challenge coin check. A coin check is normally a bar game in which one coin holder calls out the challenge. The game can be started by either rapping the challenge coin loudly on the bar or table or shouting it out. Be advised: it’s important to be aware of the consequences of starting a coin challenge, or else you may end up paying for a lot of drinks.

The basic premise of a coin challenge is for everyone to pull out their challenge coins at the same time. Owners of challenge coins should understand the rules of what the game entails, so that the game is fair for everyone. The challenger needs to also define how many drinks will be purchased by the loser of the game. Once the coin challenge has been initiated, it’s important to show your challenge coin by placing it on a hard surface or chair, but stay close to it. Some rules state that if you’re more than four steps away from your challenge coin, then it can be taken by someone else.

The challenge coin rules can also vary depending on what branch of the military you’re in (or where you are in the world), but the gist of the challenge remains the same. The person who fails to present their challenge coin during the game gets the honor of buying all the players a drink. There are some important rules to know about when participating in a challenge. For instance, if you hand your challenge coin to someone, then it means you are giving it to them. Don’t make the mistake of losing your coin in this manner, and know the essential rules before you play. It’s best to show that you have your coin by placing it in the palm of your hand, holding it in your fingers or putting it on your table.

What Does It Mean to Be Given a Challenge Coin?

Being given a challenge coin means someone who’s a member of a group you’re a part of, such as a fellow soldier, recognized actions you did or commendable service that had a positive impact. These badges of honor are not given without thought or respect, and it’s often considered an honor to receive one. They’re typically accented with a representation of the group, such as an insignia. Many people collect them, but to receive one from another individual is where the real importance and significance lies.

Challenge coins are an outstanding way to thank someone for their hard work. Whether you’re a member of the military, fire and rescue services or another organization, we can help you design just the right challenge coin. Our custom challenge coins are made from the highest quality materials, so they can be treasured for a lifetime.

When you present our custom-made challenge coins at an award ceremony or as part of a unit commendation, you’ll know it will show a level of appreciation that can’t be defined. We’re dedicated to creating designs to showcase your military unit, club, or other organization by providing meticulous attention to detail in all the work we do. When you’re ready for the best challenge coins available, contact us for superior service.

How To Get Challenge Coins – Most Common Ways to Earn Them

Challenge coins are a long-standing tradition in the military, emergency services field, law enforcement agencies, and government organizations. These custom challenge coins are typically made from high-quality metal, like bronze or brass, with the military unit or organization’s insignia carefully etched into it. The coins are important keepsakes that are used to show allegiance along with a sense of honor and respect.

It’s generally regarded as an honor to receive a custom challenge coin. It should be treated with care and kept with you at all times. Service members may be publicly awarded challenge coins by their military unit commander individually or as a unit at a special event. Coins can be presented by any organization to show their appreciation for an individual’s excellent performance, hard work, and dedication. Challenge coins are used by all branches of the armed forces, but they’re not just a military tradition. Groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous commemorate sobriety with challenge coins, while civilian groups like the Boy Scouts use them for commemorative purposes alongside non-profits like the 501st Legion. There are even corporate challenge coins used in the business world.

There’s no doubt that custom challenge coins are an excellent way to show camaraderie to your group. Whether you’re in law enforcement, military services, or a civilian group, challenge coins are always appreciated. Those familiar with challenge coin and military history have noted that the Ancient Roman soldiers gave and received medallions to boost morale. The most widespread and popular origin story of how challenge coins came into play in the military goes back to World War I. A rich lieutenant presented his American volunteer squadron with special medallions to signify that they were part of the unit.

One of the unit’s pilots was struck down behind German lines where the soldiers took away his identification papers. However, the pilot still had the medallion around his neck kept safely in a small pouch. He was able to escape to a small French outpost, but the people there were afraid he was a spy. The pilot was unable to prove he was American, but the medallion convinced the French to delay shooting him. The pilot was set free thanks to the medallion.

This may have started the coin challenge that’s still played today. After the pilot’s safe return, all of his fellow unit members were required to keep their medallions with them. The practice of doing a coin check meant that any unit member who was unable to show their coin had to buy the challenger a drink. If everyone was able to produce their coin, then the person who called the coin challenge bought drinks for the whole crew.

From that point and throughout the major conflicts like World War II, Korea and Vietnam, challenge coins have been used as a way to identify and reward military members. Current members of the Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, Army and Marines all have their own stunning custom military coins to keep with them as part of the challenge coin tradition.

There are several ways that you can get challenge coins. If you’re a member of an organization, then you may receive one as recognition of your services. Receiving a challenge coin is a memorable occasion that you will treasure. The practice of trading coins across military branches has become popular, and it’s a great way to meet service members from different units. There are many challenge coin collectors who buy this unique memorabilia to display in their homes. Collectors appreciate the history and intricate designs on the custom coins, and it’s not uncommon for some collectors to spend hundreds of dollars to complete their collection of challenge coins.

The most common way to get challenge coins is by playing the coin challenge game. Although the game is over one hundred years old, it’s still incredibly popular today in America, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. Starting a coin check is easy, but be careful, because you may end up having to buy a lot of drinks. The initiator of the game can shout it out or use their coin to make a loud noise on the bar, table or floor. Dropping your challenge coin by accident can also start the game, which is a good reason to keep your coin secured.

Anyone who has received a challenge coin should most likely already be familiar with the rules of the game, but you should make it clear how many drinks will be purchased by the loser. At this point, everyone participating is required to show their challenge coin. The coin should never be handed over to another game participant, because you’ll lose your coin. Hold your coin on the palm of your hand, in your fingers or place it next to you on a table. Another way to lose your coin is by leaving it on a table or chair and walking away, making it available to anyone who wants it.

If you lose the game but refuse to buy the required round of drinks, then you must turn in your challenge coin. That’s why it’s important to think twice before calling a coin challenge, since it can get expensive. Coin challenges can be called out in any location and at any appropriate time. It’s a fun and exciting way to show your dedication to your military unit, fraternal organization or other agency.

Our company provides custom challenge coins for everyone. We use only high-quality material and our designs are expertly embossed for a coin you can be proud of.

Honoring Veterans with Challenge Coins

Challenge coins are a relatively recent fad that is gaining a lot of momentum by people of all ages within the past few years, however, the history of these coins dates back centuries. Some would argue that the coins originated before the settlement and colonization of North American. Regardless of when these coins were developed, though, we do know that they have been used a significant mementos for unity, confidence and remembrance since the very beginning.


Veterans Day CoinsThey are being used by office personnel and sports teams to create bonds that money can’t buy and are being gifted to young adults upon graduation or in celebration of becoming a homeowner, landing a new job, or for the birth of a first child. They are used to remember our loved ones when they have passed on into another world. They give us something physical and tangible to hold and put into the palm of our hands an existential concept that sometimes cannot be described with words, ideas or images.

Challenge coins have become a great way to remember and commemorate special events, people and places in our lives. They have also become a great gift to give.

What are challenge coins?
Challenge coins are a small, circular and flat object made out of different types of metal. They can be made in silver, bronze, copper or brass. They can be customized specifically for someone you love or can be produced in masses and given to a graduating class or to a branch of the military. They are meant to be carried around in your pocket and serve as a constant reminder of some special event or group. They are intended to bring belonging and a sense of camaraderie but serve many meaningful purposes beyond this.


The perks of carrying around a challenge coin

  • Challenge coins are small and easy to transport
  • Made of high quality brass but do not weigh a lot
  • Fit nicely in your pocket
  • Serve as a reminder and act as a memento of a special time or person or place that has affected your life or at least become a huge part of it
  • They are a physical representation and tangible keepsake of a special chapter or event in your life
  • They remind you that you are connected to your past in a special way
  • They remind you that you are a part of something larger than yourself and that, by carrying this coin around, you are never alone

Why challenge coins make great gifts

  • They are cost effective
  • They are a great way to show that you care and have been thinking of a person in a special, non-traditional kind of way
  • They are extremely personalized and are, therefore, extremely unique; no other person on earth will have the exact same challenge coin as you, unless you want to buy a few of the same one, of course

Honoring military veterans with challenge coins
The significance of honoring military veterans with custom made challenge coins is a great idea. Here’s why.

Building the bond of brotherhood. Giving challenge coins to veterans can build unity and create a special sense of camaraderie among veterans that is not easily found elsewhere. They can also give light to all of the invisible lines of connection that still exist between a veteran and his peers. For example, giving the coin, especially years after the veteran has been participating in the service, is a great way for him or her to remember where they have been. It is a great way to remember that they were once a part of something larger than themselves, that they played an important and key role in serving their country.

Giving hope and helping with postpartum depression. Giving the gift of a challenge coin can give hope to veterans who may be suffering from postpartum depression disorder. The coin connects them to their past in a certain way that memories can’t because the coin is tangible. Like a photo, it can trigger new memories and bring back old ones. Sometimes revisiting these memories are helpful for healing individuals who need to move on and forget or even recover from traumatic experiences.

Inspiring loyalty. Challenge coins can inspire loyalty within veterans in a new way. Anyone who has ever been part of a team knows that the camaraderie and unity, the bond created, is one of life’s greatest gifts. For most of us, being a part of a high school sports team is one of the best and unitive experiences of our life because we feel like we belong to something. We trust each other as teammates and as friends and we have each other’s backs.

Participating in the military is the exact same thing, only sometimes this bond can be deeper because your life is literally on the line and the person standing next to you literally is in charge of looking out for it. Giving a challenge coin can invoke these memories anew and inspire veterans to continue living into loyalty in new ways.

Bridge the gap between then and now. For a veteran, spending only a few weeks living “civilian life” after living life in the war, whether active or inactive, can seem like an eternity or a decade. Days may pass in reality, but to veterans it may seem like years. Giving the gift of a challenge coin can be a great way of letting a veteran known that their “distant past” is still very much a part of their present. While they may have changed and time may have changed their physical surroundings, nothing can change their past experience. It is still special and significant and it is important to remember that period of their lives.

Saying thank you. Giving the gift of a challenge coin is also a great way to say thank you and one of the best ways to honor a former veteran. It is another way of saying, job well done. We appreciate you. We see you. We hear you. We are grateful for you and for all that you have done for us and for our country. The best part is that even after you have given the challenge coin and after you have said these words the challenge coin continues to live on in their pockets, in the hearts and in their minds when everything is beginning to fade. Challenge coins are made to last.

Honor Your Graduates with Challenge Coins

Following the lead of the military, schools are now honoring graduates with customized challenge coins. Leaders in education are using these coins to recognize the special moments in their students’ lives. Because of the many design options available, the coin can be designed to feature a unique image that ignites school pride and instills fond memories.

Which Schools Are Using Challenge Coins?

Schools all around the world are giving out challenge coins to their students. Administrators, deans, and heads of training corps bestow these tokens of appreciation and honor to graduates for special occasions. The academic institutions sharing these challenge coins with their students include:

• High schools
• Colleges and universities
• The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (jROTC)
• The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)

All of these schools realize that there is no better way to recognize the accomplishments of students than with a customized coin that they can cherish forever.

When Should I Hand Out Challenge Coins in School?

Adults understand how important it is to encourage a sense of pride in young people for their accomplishments. Rewards for accomplishing one’s goals build a young person’s sense of self-worth. That’s why challenge coins are the perfect award to recognize a student’s achievements. A number of schools have distributed them during the following occasions:

• Graduations
• Sporting events such as winning state championship tournaments
• Academic accomplishments such as making honor roll or achieving valedictorian
• Positive behavior
• Helping in the community

By recognizing these kinds of special moments, we reinforce in young people the behavior we strive for as good citizens. These special challenge coins allow students to hold on to those fleeting moments in time that mean so much to them. The designs can be imprinted on the face of the coin with a unique insignia the student will associate with the school.

What are The Most Common Designs?

There are countless kinds of designs that schools can impress on the face of a challenge coin to commemorate an important event. Some of the most popular kinds of designs include:

• School logo
• Student’s name
• Graduation Year
• Class slogan
• School mascot

All of these are great options to choose from when designing your school’s challenge coin. Of course, the great thing about challenge coins is they can be customized in countless ways. The important thing to keep in mind when creating challenge coins for your students is to ensure that they are unique. You can do this by using images like mascots and school slogans on the face of the coin.

It’s the accomplishments we achieve in our youth that sets us on the path for success in adulthood. Knowing how important these achievements are is why we honor students with tokens like challenge coins. For this very reason, high schools, colleges, JROTC, and ROTC programs are handing them out to students. Whether it’s a graduation ceremony or the winning of a major sporting event, the designs that you put on these coins will forever impact a young person’s life. So whatever design you choose, make it meaningful and make it unique.

If you are ready to order challenge coins for this year’s graduates, visit our website or give us a call at 1-800-818-3229, and one of our representatives will help you through the process.

School Kids Worldwide Love Challenge Coins

Challenge coins are growing increasingly popular in schools in Canada and the United States. This growing interest in such coins is largely due to the fact that school officials and teachers would like something more tangible to motivate students, and also show their pride and appreciation. Even President Obama has seen the potential in using challenge coins in school, as he used them to honor students at a high school in Virginia.

Challenge coins have a long tradition in the United States military. They have been handed out to soldiers since the First World War. The coins were used as a way to create a sense of unity between service men and women. They are now being used, decades later, to promote the building of friendships and expression of pride between students in schools.

Richwood High Scool Challenge CoinBy simply engraving the school mascot on to the face of the coin, teachers and administrators have a gift that they can share with students. These tokens can be kept as mementos by students, reminding them of their experiences and accomplishments during their time in school. A schoolteacher in Ontario is believed to have started the use of challenge coins in public schools in 2008.

Chris Boyer ran a successful challenge coin business after school hours. He thought he had designed coins for just about everything: military service people, police officers, firemen etc. Then one day it “struck” him. Why not make a coin for his students? He heard about an organization called the Challenge Coin Association. Created by ex-Iraq War veteran, Jesse Medford, the CCA is the first official challenge coin organization for hobbyists and makers. The teacher contacted Medford and asked him if he could design a coin with the school’s mascot, a cartoonish looking falcon named ‘Frankie the Mascot.’

Not long after Medford and Boyer spoke, the coins were introduced in school, and students in Franklin Public Schools were filling their pockets with them. Similar to the military tradition, students were challenging one another to present their school coins. If a student couldn’t produce the coin upon request, they would have to do a push-up or give the person a candy bar. It became a fun way for students to interact, and teachers used the coins as a way to reward positive behavior. Since their introduction in Franklin Public Schools, challenge coins have made their way into schools in the United States, where they are now given to students as a token of honor.

The President visited a high school in Virginia to give a speech to the student body on the first day of classes. The school’s student body president had the honor of introducing the President to his classmates. After the speech, The President shook the young man’s hand and then handed him a presidential challenge coin. The coin’s face had the number 44 on it signifying Barack Obama being the 44th president of the United States. The President’s use of the coin is another example of how challenge coins are beginning to become a symbol of honor for students.

Whether it’s the President of United States or a public school teacher in Ontario, challenge coins are being given to students all over the world. They offer a fun way to show school pride, and are a tangible way to honor a special moment in a young person’s academic life. Challenge Coins Limited can easily come up with a design focused on representing your school. Browse our gallery for a few examples of coins we have minted previously.

Motorcycle Club Challenge Coins – Own a Piece of the Open Road!

Challenge coins are now joining the tradition of great American motorcycle clubs! Like challenge coins, motorcycles have become a fixture in American popular culture. Both embody the spirit of freedom and individuality of this great country.

Motorcycles first roared into our imagination in the 1950’s. With the likes of James Dean on the silver screen and from the pages of Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road”, these chrome monsters have always been the essence of cool.

Iron Order Tennessee Motorcycle Club Challenge CoinAs people began to ride in groups, motorcycle clubs and biker culture grew in popularity. These clubs were a way for friends to enjoy the excitement of speeding down America’s highways in large groups. These groups soon became exclusive brotherhoods with clubhouses and insignias. It was not long after that choppers were the roaring representation of freedom, rebellion, and the challenge of the open road.

Motorcycles brought like-minded freedom-seekers together. This shared passion for motorbikes inspired riders to create clubs. These clubs ran the gambit from the well-known “Hells Angels” to many clubs founded by people who shared other common interests or love for a particular brand of bike. Maybe the most recognized American bike of them all is the Harley Davidson. These “hogs” have been immortalized in such American classics as Hunter S. Thompson’s book Hell’s Angels.

Today, with the advent of reality TV shows like “American Chopper”, the motorcycle and motorcycle club are now firmly cemented in our imagination. The challenge before us is to capture the mystique and feeling of freedom the chopper culture embodies. That’s why bikers and biker clubs began to share motorcycle club challenge coins. They emblazon their custom coins with a club logo, or an image of their beloved Harley. Either way, the challenge coins are bound to capture the spirit of the open road!

Whether you are a charter member of the “Laffing Devils” or a new rider just starting out, a quality soft or hard enamel motorcycle club challenge coin will capture the thrill of riding that you seek! Your collectible coin will become another way to show your allegiance to a specific club. Your custom motorcycle club coin can have your name on it, as well as your club’s unique symbol and a wide variety of other design elements to create the perfect coin.

Have a new rider that you’re welcoming into your club? There’s no better way to commemorate the event than with custom challenge coins emblazoned in rich living color with the logo of your club! Just like the patch members wear proudly on the back of their jackets, the challenge coins will become another way to show the pride you have for your club.

Do you prefer challenge coins that commemorate your favorite brand of bike or favorite bike shop? No problem! The challenge coin creation process manufacturers use will help to create a coin that will leave a lasting impression thanks to our range of popular customization options!

Challenge coin makers have worked for years with all branches of the United States Armed Forces, Firefighters, and other companies that want to cement the ideals of teamwork, brotherhood, and a lasting commitment to excellence. High-quality challenge coins are a token of appreciation and respect that will stand the test of time. Get in on the challenge coin tradition today!

“Putting Holes” In Challenge Coin Design Theories

Chiefs Mess Navy Challenge CoinChallenge coins are now capable of being designed with different kinds of cutouts within the face of the actual coin. By adding these alterations to the typical coin, it is becoming a favorite choice among advertisers and challenge coin collectors. Thanks to the craftsmanship that goes into creating these coins, as well as their varied cuts and shapes, collectors and businesses have another great way to personalize their challenge coins.

The Skill Behind the Challenge Coin Cut Out

The cut out challenge coin is a relatively new technique. Cut out challenge coins are defined by the fact that a single piece or multiple pieces of the coin are cut out or added to the design. The cut out effect brings a unique quality to the look and feel of the customized coin. Two of the most popular cuts include:

• The Bullet Hole Cut: This cut is used to enable the challenge coin to be attached to a chain or rope. Challenge coins can then be worn around the neck as jewelry, dangled from one’s pants, or even attached to a key chain. These new ways to display your challenge coins make them memorable, functional, and attractive.
• Cut Around the Full Logo or Insignia: By cutting out patterns around a logo or insignia, an added charm is brought to customized challenge coins. This kind of cut also gives emphasis to the purpose of the coin by focusing the viewer’s eye on the design. This style of cut out challenge coins is perfect for businesses that wish to use them to increase brand or product recognition.

Cut Out Challenge Coin Shapes

There are various shapes that are available when designing cut out challenge coins. The customized cut out coin does not have to be round like the change in your pocket. Instead, it can come in wide variety of shapes, such as the following:

• Rectangular, pentagon, triangle, square, oval, etc.
• Protruding out of a basic shape
• Indented in from a basic shape

Customized cut out challenge coins have brightened up the pot by adding so much more variety to the standard challenge coin. The cutting technique adds a new dimension, a new appeal, and a new feel to a classic collectors item and promotional tool.

Ordering Cut Out Challenge Coins

Businesses can order cut out challenge coins that are similar in shape to their logo or latest product. Athletic teams can have coins cut in a way that resembles a shape specific to their sport, such as equipment items and apparel. Organizations can use cut out challenge coins that are designed to commemorate a special cause or celebratory event, giving added meaning and collectability to the item.

With so many different cut out coin options available to you, the most important question to ask before ordering should be as to how you would like to see your customized challenge coins designed. We encourage you to contact us today, and one of our representatives will work with you to decide on the perfect cut out challenge coins design for your order.

Chino, California Police Department Uses Challenge Coins to Commemorate Grand Opening

Is your organization or business celebrating a grand opening this summer? If so, customized challenge coins are the perfect item to commemorate the ceremony. Organizations and business around the world have used the highly collectible commemorative coins to distribute to employees, and even customers as a means of signifying the importance of the event.

Celebrating the Grand Opening of Chino, California’s New Police Building

Chino California Police Department Challenge CoinAt Challenge Coins Limited, we had the opportunity to design and make the challenge coin used to celebrate the grand opening of the Chino, California Police Department’s brand new facility. The coin features a signature blue, white and silver color scheme and the Chino Police logo, as well as text that identifies the meaning of the event. With the quote “Dedicated to the safety of our community, the coin not only celebrates the grand opening, but also recognizes the police department for the honorable job that they do for the city.

The new facility is more than three and a half times larger than the old Chino Police Department building. At over 102,000 square feet, the new building will contain multiple interrogation rooms, a Class I detention area, and even a museum honoring the history of the city’s police force. It is also environmentally designed to reduce the amount of energy required during day-to-day operation.

Using a challenge coin to commemorate the grand opening of the Chino, California Police Department made perfect sense. Since their inception, police challenge coins have historically been used to honor police departments and officials, as well as other public service and military organizations such as fire departments, the Air Force, and the Navy.

Customizing Challenge Coins for Your Grand Opening

With that being said, however, challenge coins are certainly not limited to the military and public service organizations. Because they are entirely customizable, they are also widely used by businesses to celebrate the grand opening of a new office building, retail store, hotel, or restaurant.

The most commonly personalized features of challenge coins used to celebrate a grand opening include:

• The text/wording featured on the coin.
• The color scheme and finish of the coin.
• The images displayed on both the front and back of the coin.

Challenge coins used to commemorate a grand opening of a building, be it an office or store, usually feature some kind of wording relevant to the special event. Both the date of the opening and the name of the organization or business are almost always included. Occasionally, as seen on the back of the Chino Police department example, a quote is included on such challenge coins to recognize the business or organization for the work they do.

The color scheme and finish of the coin are often customized to match the colors of the organization or business’s logo. The colors chosen for use on challenge coins often add an element of branding and uniformity to the design.

The images used on challenge coins for grand opening celebrations often depend on the type of business and organization. Logos are the most commonly used image for branding purposes, though many companies will also use some other picture that is relevant to their particular industry.

If you would like to design and distribute a challenge coin to celebrate the grand opening of your business or organization, please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-818-3229, or visit the Challenge Coins Limited contact us page, and one of our representatives will be happy to assist you.

South Dakota’s Firehouse Brewing Company Pours A Tall One With Challenge Coins

Successful businesses are always looking for new and innovative ways to promote their brand name to the general public. In the case of South Dakota’s Firehouse Brewing Company, a challenge coin has proven to be one of the most effective promotional items that the company has used since opening more than twenty years ago. The Firehouse Brewing Company coin has been a very popular item among patrons, and is often kept as a souvenir and collector’s item.

Resurrecting History

Firehouse Brewing Company CoinAs is evident in the company name, the building that is home to Firehouse Brewing Company was not always a brewpub. For sixty years, from 1915 to 1975, the building was home to Rapid City, South Dakota’s firehouse. The building was converted into a restaurant in 1975, and remained that way until 1991 when it was bought out by a group of individuals that had bigger dreams for the building.

The group stripped the building to its bare bones, leaving only the four layer brick and wood floor. In order to maintain the old-time feel of the restaurant, only polished brass and antique fire fighting equipment was used to adorn the walls and ceilings.

Following its construction, Firehouse Brewing Company became South Dakota’s first brewpub. In the twenty plus years that it has now been open, it has established the reputation as being one of the best dining establishments in South Dakota.

Celebrating Twenty Years

In order to commemorate its twentieth anniversary, Firehouse Brewing Company designed a challenge coin that it would distribute to its patrons and employees. The restaurant also had clothing and mugs designed to celebrate the event, though it was the challenge coins that had everybody talking. The Firehouse Brewing Company coin was an instant success due to its unique design, and display capabilities. For those visiting Rapid City to see the nearby Mount Rushmore, the Firehouse Brewing Company Challenge Coin makes for the ideal souvenir due to its portability.

Challenge Coins: The Perfect Promotional Tool for Brewpubs

While challenge coins are predominantly associated with the military and political figures, their modification capabilities make them an excellent promotional item for brewpubs. Challenge coins can be customized to function as a bottle opener. That means that every time someone uses their challenge coin to open a bottle of brew, they’ll be reminded of the great tasting beer on tap at the brewpub.

In addition to being customized to serve as a bottle opener, challenge coins can be designed to feature images, logos, and text when needed. In the case of the Firehouse Brewing Company coin, the brewpub could have chosen from a number of different visuals. From their twentieth anniversary logo to visuals that represent any of the popular beers available brewed at the Firehouse, the options were endless.

If you would like to design challenge coins to promote your restaurant or brewpub, please feel free to fill out a free quote. One of our representatives will contact you, and walk you through the process of designing and creating the perfect challenge coins for your dining establishment.

Boost Your Conversion Rates by Adding QR Codes to Your Challenge Coins

How many times have you been given a business card only to stuff it in your pocket or throw it away without ever giving it a serious look? Odds are that has happened more often than not in your lifetime. The truth is that the majority of these outdated cards get lost in wallets or pockets, or they are simply discarded.

Challenge Coin With QR CodeA card’s design is often the determining factor in how effective it is in promoting a business. The more unique its appearance, the more likely it is to garner a second look. It is for that reason that many businesses are using such customizable items as challenge coins.

While the overall appeal and uniqueness of challenge coins makes them highly effective marketing devices, they alone still do not guarantee optimal conversion rates. There is no way of knowing whether or not the recipient of the challenge coin is going to visit your website or further familiarize themselves with your product or service upon returning home or to their office. In order to improve conversion rates, companies are taking their use of challenge coins one step further by adding QR codes to their surface.

QR Codes and Challenge Coins: A Fresh Idea

QR codes, better known as quick response codes, are able to store large capacities of information that can be accessed in seconds. With the help of a basic application, potential clients can use their smart phones to access such data as hyperlinks, text, and even coupons that are stored in the QR code located on a coin. The QR code allows your clients to import your information to their smart phone without so much as a click of a button.

Challenge coins featuring QR codes were first used at a conference in Las Vegas when a business owner sought a way to stand out from the rest of the crowd. He created a coin with a QR code that stored his company’s information, as well as his contact data and website. Not only did his challenge coins capture the attention of other attendees at the conference, but also the QR code design enabled him to immediately identify interested customers and start the negotiation process.

With a standard card, you may have to wait days or even weeks to hear back from a client. In fact, your card may get lost among the countless others that potential client received during the same event. He or she may also have simply forgot about the deal or business proposition that the two of you had discussed.

By using challenge coins that feature a QR code with your contact information and any relevant company data, you can be sure that they will not get lost among the common forms of media given out by your competitors. Even more importantly, your potential client can use their smart phone to immediately access any details that may be influential in closing the deal.

With all the details they will need right at their finger tips, your potential client will be far more likely to move forward with a transaction. The details of your deal will be fresh in their mind, and because everything is there for them in the QR code, they’ll likely contact you first when it comes time to finalize everything.

The combination of the unique look and shape of the challenge coin, and the readily available information in the QR code provides for better conversion rates than you would likely see with other traditional advertising. As such, challenge coins featuring QR codes are the perfect option to supplement the standard business card as a means of effectively advertising and promoting your business.

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